
Know-hows of Voice Broadcasting

8 April 2022

How does the broadcast work? 

The person on the other end of the phone will hear an audio playing when they answer it. After the audio is complete, the call will end automatically.

We’ll upload your audio and phone numbers, and then we’ll assign a digital number to them so that the system can make the calls as its bulk technology. We also assign sessions which determine how many phone numbers to dial at once. The broadcast starts when you hit the redial button, and will continue until stopped.

How can I record the audio? 

For professional audio, it’s better to record it in FM or another recording studio. However, you can also record audio on a mobile phone in a quiet place and with eco. In the case of recording the audio through a mobile phone, portable mobile mice work well as well. 

What type of Phone number do you use for broadcast? 

Digital numbers allow us to call a large number of people at once, which is useful for broadcast purposes. 

The digital number we use are from:  

  • NTC (landline number type)  
  • SMART (Mobile number type) 

Can you display my name or number in the receiver’s phone while they receive the call from the broadcast? 

No, we cannot do that as based on the law of Nepal it’s illegal. The phone will display the digital number used during the broadcast. And in case the receiver has the TrueCaller app in that context, a popular name may appear. 

Do you also provide end receivers’ contact numbers to us for the broadcast? 

We do not circulate or share the provided resources (phone numbers or audio) of our clients without their consent.

How can I make sure you will not gov my contact numbers to others? 

We will sign an NDA with you and we will protect your property and your trust.

Can people listen to the audio stored on the Receiver’s phone like SMS?

No, calls don’t play on your phone if you don’t answer them. A missed call is registered and shows up on the phone, but no audio is stored.

How long does it take to complete the broadcast? 

The broadcast time frame depends upon the audio size and the total number of phone numbers. If the audio is below 30 seconds, we can reach out to 20 to 25 people on 20 channels.

Do you use the same number for multiple parties? 

No, we assign a different number to different parties.  

What will you do if the person does not pick up the Call on the first try? 

This platform will redial you multiple times if you don’t pick up the call.

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