
Using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for Disaster Preparedness: Successful Implementations and Global Impact

11 April 2023


Disasters can cause significant loss of life and property, and effective early warning systems are crucial in mitigating risks. In Nepal, various organizations and government bodies have been working on developing community-based early warning systems to alert communities to potential disasters. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is one such technology that can be useful in disaster management. 

IVR is a computerized telephone system that can interact with people through voice messages and provide timely alerts and updates. IVR can be used to disseminate early warning information to people in at-risk areas and can also be useful in preparedness and response efforts during disasters. 

Successful Examples of IVR-Based Early Warning Systems

There have been several successful examples of IVR being used in early warning systems and preparedness efforts globally. The successful implementation of IVR-based early warning systems has brought significant positive changes to the lives of communities living in risk areas. In Uttarakhand, India, the IVR-based landslide early warning system was developed to provide information on potential landslides. The system sent voice messages to people in risk areas which helped people to evacuate to safer areas before a landslide struck, reducing the loss of life and property damage. Similarly, the automated early warning system for Mount Merapi in Indonesia has provided timely information to communities living near the volcano, allowing them to take necessary precautions and evacuate before a potential eruption. 

In Bangladesh, the Interactive Voice Response Flood Early Warning System (IVR-FEWS) has been implemented in flood-prone areas to provide timely and accurate information to communities, enabling them to take necessary measures to protect themselves and their property. This system has helped reduce the impact of floods and improve the resilience of communities living in risky areas.  

In Nepal, the Community-Based Flood Early Warning System developed by ICIMOD has helped communities living in flood-prone areas receive timely and accurate information through a combination of technologies, including mobile phones and community networks, which has helped them prepare for floods and take necessary measures to protect themselves and their property. These initiatives demonstrate the potential of IVR and other technologies to support disaster management and preparedness efforts and to bring about positive changes in the lives of people living in at-risk areas. 


In conclusion, IVR can be a useful tool in disaster management and preparedness efforts. It allows for the timely communication of information to at-risk communities and can support efforts to save lives and reduce damage to property and infrastructure. With the right infrastructure and support, IVR and other technologies can help support communities in their recovery from disasters.


  • “IVR-Based Landslide Early Warning System in Uttarakhand, India,” by R. Kumar et al., in Landslides and Disasters: Risk Assessment, 2018. 
  • “Automated Early Warning System for Mount Merapi,” by D. Kusrini et al., in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018.
  • “Community-Based Flood Early Warning System,” by ICIMOD, available at lib.icimod.org
  • ” Mobile Services for Flood Early Warning in Bangladesh,” deltares.nl

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