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Frequently Asked Questions


On the receiver end, broadcast mechanism is very similar to phone call, the receivers will receive a phone call, and when they answer it the audio will be played and once the audio is completed the call ends automatically.  

On the system ends, we upload your audio and phone numbers in our platform, then we assign a digital number through which the system will make the calls, as its bulk technology, we also assign sessions which determines how many phone numbers to dial at once. Further, details like maximum number of redial to make and when to start and stop the broadcast are mentioned to set the broadcast. 

For a professional audio, its better to record it in FM or other recording studio. However, you can also record your audio on your mobile phone, please consider recording it in a quiet place and with eco as well. In the case of recording the audio through mobile phone, portable mobile mice work well as well. 

As we need to perform bulk calling, we use Digital numbers for broadcast which has multiple channels from which we can reach out to many people at once.  

The digital number we use are from:  

  • NTC (landline number type)  
  • SMART (Mobile number type) 

Broadcast time frame depends upon audio size and the total number of phone numbers. For example: if the audio is below 30 seconds, in 1 minute we can reach out 20 to 25 people if we use 20 channels. 

To those who will not pick the call in first broadcast, our platform will automatically redial them multiple times. 

NO, it does not, broadcast mechanism is same as phone call, receivers will receive call and when they answer it the audio plays, in case they do not receive the call, there will be a miscall log in their call log but no audio will be stored in their phone. 

NO, we cannot do that as based on the law of Nepal its illegal. The number that will be displayed in the receiver’s phone will be the exact digital number that will be used during the broadcast. And in case the receiver has True Caller app in that context, a popular name may appear. 

No – we do not, without the consent of our clients we do not circulate their provided resources (end receivers phone number & audio) to others.   

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